How to embrace your feminine energy (in a masculine world)

How to embrace your feminine energy (in a masculine world)

For years and years I sat in a masculine world, seeing feminine characteristics as a weakness. Showing emotions and vulnerability would make me, well, vulnerable?

The feminine characteristics are thought of as pink, frilly, overly girlie, and pushing away their intellect. But that’s not correct. Feminine energy is being in tune, intuitive, creative and gentle in all the best ways. It's being nurturing, connected and powerful.

Feminine energy is one of the two cosmic forces that reside in all living things – including us. We all carry both feminine and masculine energy within us.

Divine feminine, goddess energy or yin energy, and the divine masculine or yang energy. Everything we experience is made up of these two forces, creating a never-ending dance together. 

This means anyone, regardless of gender, can access feminine energy and harness it in everyday life for more healing, inner guidance, and nurturing.

It’s worth noting that whilst both masculine and feminine energies exist within everyone, we tend to default to one energy over the other. This is the result of upbringing, culture, and individual personality traits. I would also note that women tend to be far more into their masculine energy than men are in their feminine. 

When speaking of feminine energy, we usually refer to traits such as:

  • Empathy and compassion
  • Being (over doing)
  • Intuition
  • Creativity
  • Nurturing
  • Receptivity
  • Collaboration and community building
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Alignment with nature and its cycles
  • Focussed on relationships

In a world celebrating masculinity, the feminine has often been viewed as weak. To this day, many men are afraid to open up to their emotions and show vulnerability because it is considered too feminine, and therefore negative.

Well, let me tell you … Feminine energy is incredibly powerful and transformative. The healed feminine has boundaries (isn't that SO important!?). She can use her intuition to make better decisions, tap into her creativity to solve problems, and connect with others and herself on a much deeper level.

Embracing yin energy can help us become the best versions of ourselves, and can be a powerful tool for personal and societal transformation.

Now for the biggie ...

The world of business is (still) defined by patriarchal structures. Even the structure of our day is matched to the male 24hr hormonal cycle, as opposed to the feminine cycle which runs over approximately 28 days (this is a whole other subject for another blog!). It celebrates and rewards primarily masculine traits like ambition, assertiveness, and competitiveness. The push push push attitude. 

Ultimately, this has led to a lot of people suppressing their feminine energy. It exposes a deep-rooted fear that leading with gentleness and intuition will have us judged as incompetent, weak, or overly emotional.

And what do we get from this? A whole lot of burnout, hustle culture, and a rise in mental health issues.

In opposition to what we have been told for years, embracing our own feminine energy can be a MASSIVELY powerful tool for success. It allows us to tap into our creativity and emotional intelligence, then we can make more informed decisions.

When we prioritise masculine energy over feminine energy, we create a world that is imbalanced and out of harmony. This can lead to a focus on competition over collaboration, control over connection, and individualism over community. 

Feminine energy is an essential and valuable part of our human experience. 

As a result of how our world is structured, a lot of us spend a bit too much time in our masculine energy. Sometimes, we are just trying to protect ourselves but there is potential harm to it.

Let me clarify, there is no problem with having a lot of masculine energy – as long as we do not shut out the feminine completely. As with everything in the universe, there needs to be a certain balance.

Ideally, we would experience an equilibrium between the two energies and be able to shift fluidly between them as needed.

11 signs you may have too much masculine energy:

  • You are overly competitive and driven to succeed at all costs.
  • You have difficulty relaxing and find it hard to disconnect from work or other obligations.
  • You dismiss your emotions and intuition when making decisions.
  • You have a tendency to be aggressive or confrontational 
  • You struggle with vulnerability and find it hard to share/show your emotions
  • You have a need for control and cannot surrender/let go.
  • You struggle to receive pleasure and be intimate.
  • You are disconnected from your physical body.
  • You struggle with relationships and find it hard to connect with others on an emotional level.
  • You have a tendency to judge yourself and others harshly.
  • You feel a sense of burnout or exhaustion from constantly pushing yourself.

Is that you? While a lot of that yang energy does serve you in some ways, you have to actively work to unravel the aspects that are not serving you well, and in some cases are holding you back and making you feel burnt out or disconnected.

So how do you become more balanced and shift to feminine energy?

You can start by moving your body. Dance, stretch, do yoga, walk, just move and listen to the flow your body wants to do. You can also spend more time in nature, observing and embracing the true divine feminine - Mother Nature. You also need to get really comfortable with receiving and softening. And, one that we all need to do, and is so important, set healthy boundaries - and stick to them. 

When you start to incorporate these things, and embrace your inner feminine energy, your life will start to shift.

Stop the burnout, start to feel connected, and live in a balance thats perfect for you. Fill your cup - don't empty it. 

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